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July 13, 2020

Ban on TikTok and all that it means for the influe...

Digital Marketing Digital Strategy Influencer Marketing

The recent ban of TikTok along with 58 other Chinese apps is the most talked about topic nowadays. There have been mixed reactions across the business community as it has directly or indirectly impact...

July 11, 2020

Worried About The Impact of Lockdown On Your Sales...

Integrated Marketing Lead Generation

Is this the end of business continuity, as we know it? Does that mean that the businesses will have to start all over again after losing considerable revenue during the lock-down months? No, not neces...

July 03, 2020

Future of Physical Events: Will they be obsolete, ...

Event Technology Virtual Events Engagement Strategy

Disruption forces us to transform and this holds true for businesses who constantly redefined themselves to keep the wheels spinning. Though the curve of crisis has not flattened completely, things ar...

June 17, 2020

Looking Beyond Events – Explore The Real Powers of...

Virtual Events Virtual Events Platform

The best thing about living in today’s day & age is our easy access to technology. So, even if one door closes, we have the power to explore uncountable opportunities. The last couple of months ha...

June 17, 2020

Online Engagement Strategies That Can Take Your Vi...

Virtual Events Engagement Strategy

When everything is shifting to an online space, marketers are facing with a common challenge – how to keep the audience hooked? While engaging with a larger base of audience was never a problem when m...

June 17, 2020

Virtual Events And Webinars – Are They Two Differe...

Virtual Events Virtual Events Platform

The concept of virtual events has been around for quite some time, but the current situation has actually brought it to the forefront of the digital marketing mix. Though many brands went on a panic m...

June 16, 2020

Unveiling Kestone's Virtual Event Platform - More ...

Virtual Events Virtual Events Platform

As they say, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry and Covid-19, being true to this proverb, has royally hard stopped all your pre-planned business events for 2020. Which clearly implies t...

June 16, 2020

Promotional Offers Or Brand Campaigns – What Works...

Brand Campaigns Brand Promotion Sales Promotion

Marketers in different companies use various sales promotions tools to boost sales that vary in their effectiveness to produce different sales responses. Some of the researchers believe that sales pro...

June 16, 2020

The Microsoft Future Decoded Summits - Where The P...

Integrated Marketing Event Technology

Mr. Satya Nadella, the CEO, Microsoft, recently visited India, and the tech world couldn’t keep calm. Joining him was Mr. Jean-Philippe Courtois (JPC), Executive Vice President and President of global...

May 15, 2020

4 Tools to Enhance Your Lead Generation Strategy

Digital Marketing Lead Generation

Do you have a lead generation strategy in place already? We're sure you do. Are you worried that you are losing out on more avenues that might generate you some leads? You might. Here are the ABCs of ...



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