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January 30, 2021

5 Big Things that will happen to E-commerce in 202...

Digital Marketing

Ecommerce is evolving every day. But this year is going to be special for sure. Who has ever thought that from just a smart alternative to physical shopping, ecommerce will be a lifeblood for us in th...

January 22, 2021

Want to make engaging videos? Get Started with thi...

Marketing Communication

An MNC IT major estimated that nearly 82% of global internet traffic will be video by 2022. Roughly 3 years earlier brands spent around $90 billion on video content, tailor made for social media marke...

January 15, 2021

5 Reasons Your Audience is Not Turning up for Your...

Engagement Strategy

You have a great event planned, the sessions are well designed, the aesthetics are in place, you are outreaching to your TG. Still audience is not turning up for your virtual events? Well, this is the...

December 29, 2021

Our Top 10 Virtual Events of 2020

Virtual Events

In light of the new challenges thrown by the pandemic, brands were desperately looking for new ways to connect with their customers. Events as a major part of the marketing mix already suffered due to...

December 24, 2020

5 Metrics to Check to Make Sure Your Google Ads ar...

Digital Marketing

If content is the king, treat data as your queen. After all your paid digital marketing shouldn’t go in vain and you must make sure your every penny counts. While you are ready with some great ad idea...

December 16, 2020

Step by Step Guide to LIVE Stream Your Virtual Eve...

Digital Marketing

You might have noticed that everyone wants to go LIVE with their content more than anything else. From, celebrities to influencers and from marketers to advertisers, LIVE streaming has emerged as a ke...

November 27, 2020

Competitors then, Collaborators Now.

Market Trends

The adage “United we Stand, Divided we Fall” has always held true in History which has thrown at us multiple examples of how earlier adversaries have joined together to beat a common enemy or the coro...

November 26, 2020

‘Virtual Event’, a bright star for the Pharma & He...

Virtual Events

The word ‘virtual’ has literally become synonymous with ‘hope’. This is mainly due to the reason that the process of moving from uncertainty to seeing a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel, virt...

November 19, 2020

The definitive guide to Virtual Events in 2021

Virtual Events

What is a virtual event? Marketers have been toying with the virtual events quite some time, but the onset of the current pandemic has brought it to the forefront. Earlier virtual events were just lim...

November 19, 2020

From Classrooms to Virtual Rooms: The Changing Lan...

Digital Marketing Virtual Events Platform

In India, teaching-learning dynamics is different from the rest of the world to a great extent. This is mainly due the fact that the concept of ‘Guru-Shishya’ tradition still plays an important role i...



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