Millennials are the most entrepreneurial generation ever. They are technologically connected, ethnically diverse and socially conscious. They don’t like being tied down to a company for their entire career. They have a much higher demand for instant gratification and information.
While being ambitious and eccentric, millennials also develop innovative ways to reach out to their prospects. They add to the “hip” factor and attract other young people to join the industry as well and don’t want to be associated with the stereotype of a used car salesman trying to hoodwink a naïve customer. There are many benefits that millennials offer the direct sales industry and can be key to tapping into the disruptive power of social technologies. There are three ways in which millennials can be attracted to direct sales jobs:
They like being social:
Millennials love to be social since they grew up with technology. They are flexible and fluid in how they engage with their peers through different communication technologies. They value community, recognition and convenience of it all. They are likely to be early adopters of new technologies and social platforms such as Facebook live stream, and more educated in online marketing strategies. Direct marketers can tap into this interest of the millennials to enhance their social media marketing campaigns.
Sales is not 9 to 5 job, it is mobile:
Millennials like to be mobile. This generation does not want to spend time stuffed into a cubicle. Their outlook is different. They enjoy flexibility and are independently minded, eager to learn, and motivated by recognition. Hence, a direct sales job is a good fit for them. Tech-savvy millennials also want to be working on the cutting-edge and hence will seek tools that will help them work ‘smarter’. Hence, millennials look to companies to provide them ‘freedom of devices’ that will allow them to work anytime and anywhere.
They like control:
Millennials value social connection, but demand personal freedom. They crave collaboration, but have a strong need to express their individuality. Direct selling offers the freedom and the independence along with allowing them to be their own bosses and have more control over their incomes. It allows them to have instant gratification through commission-based earning models.
Direct selling has gone global with the advent of social media and tech-savvy millennials can provide a head-start in the new network marketing industry. Today, millennials want companies to be responsive to their needs and direct selling companies are the best suited to do that.