Indu Kannan
With over 20 years of professional experience under her belt, ranging from PR to Marketing Communications to Marketing and Marketing Strategy; Indu is a firm proponent of Integrated & Data Driven Marketing. She is keenly driven by the desire to create impactful, contextual, 360 degree campaigns that deliver results for clients and solve their sales and marketing problems, and has created multiple IPs for Kestone and her clients, having won awards for many of them. She enjoys wearing multiple hats and is always game for the next challenge. Her hobbies include reading fiction and non-fiction, watching movies in multiple languages, solving word games and crosswords and travelling.
February 05, 2021
While perspectives may vary about the year that we just left behind; 2020 is definitely a year we will all remember as a year that made us question our most basic beliefs, uprooted our established met...
November 27, 2020
Market Trends
The adage “United we Stand, Divided we Fall” has always held true in History which has thrown at us multiple examples of how earlier adversaries have joined together to beat a common enemy or the coro...