5 Ways To Disrupt Your Customer Experience Strategy


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Do you know the basic issue with the businesses who cannot stick to one Customer Experience (CX) Strategy? They have equated customer service to customer experience. And, this is where the strategy goes haywire. We no longer live in an era where customer interaction begins only after the service is availed or product is bought, in fact, CX starts much before the product is even considered to be bought. CX is now majorly intertwined with lead generation, marketing strategies and even in the stages of creating customer experiences irrespective of the niche you operate in.

Hence, the involvement of any disruptive factor in your CX strategy needs to be well-planned just as in the case of the rest of the business divisions. To give you an idea, CX today is so relevant that the organizations are creating products around what the customer wants rather than what its own selling capabilities entail. The approach has become proactive rather than being a reaction to a complaint/feedback/need of customers.

If you are still open to suggestions around your CX strategy, here are 5 things that might help you enhance it-

Integrated Approach to CX

Gone are the days when CX was the KRA of the CMO alone. If it needs to be successful, CX needs to be at the heart of the business and incorporated in each and every senior leadership member’s KRA. For example, a CIO who handles the website and other interactive elements with the end customer is equally responsible for the CX as is the Sales Head who is selling the product. Basically, everyone along the assembly line is contributing to CX and must not work in silos thinking their interaction with the end customer is limited.

Use of Technology

Let it not be incidental. Also, let it not take over CX. We must always remember that it cannot replace human interaction. For example, the coffee machine you produce can be smart enough to indicate to the customer that it needs repair but let there be an agent call the customer to check on it rather than an IVR booking a visit. Having said that, technologies like CPaaS, AI, VR are disrupting CX as we speak. Video demos, VR tours of real estate projects or tourist destinations, Chatbots solving customer issues, are becoming the norm and for the good.

Change the way you are perceived

A major focus towards brand purpose, value-based marketing or focussing on larger purposes is the need of the hour. Let your business be perceived as the one that cares for the customers rather than the one that just makes good products. Also, change your strategies to appeal to different audiences, it is better to not generalize.

The role of data

Always remember that the use of unprocessed or segmented data can be the biggest bane for your business. Using Big Data to gather and analyse your division's data does not do any harm, but what stops you from gathering insights from different divisions? The business, as a whole, can move forward only if the strategies are based on data integration rather than division.

An interactive channel of communication

Let CX be the game changer for your organization and let the customers feel included in your journey. CX is not just about building a recall, it is also about being the fall-back option and increasing relatability.



Data Driven Integrated Sales & Marketing Company. A bunch of storytellers, technologists, and relentlessly curious minds, we’re committed to the cause of making a positive impact in your business growth. From creating awareness about your products to nurturing prospects and making them your brand advocates, we leverage enterprise grade marketing technology platforms to deliver integrated sales & marketing campaigns.

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