Do you think clients make decisions only based on logical, rational, and economic thinking? This is a glaring falsehood in marketing.
Clients are not looking to buy from businesses anymore. They want to buy into them instead.
They are looking to give their business to those companies who are not afraid to digress from being conventional with no means of speaking with their clients directly.
And when we say ‘speak’, we literally mean ‘talk’.
That brings us to podcasts which are not just entertaining but have lately found their way into mainstream strategies for B2B marketing.
5 Benefits of Podcasts for B2B Organizations
A Nielson study found that 52 million households listen to business podcasts
Let’s look at the sure shot benefits of having podcasts in your arsenal for B2B marketing.
Reason 1 – Gives Your Brand Awareness Efforts More Juice:
For any marketer, creating brand awareness is a key part of their overall buying funnel. This is because your clients cannot purchase your products or services if they don’t know that you exist.
Podcasts are a great addition to your top of the funnel marketing as it comes with a two-fold benefit. It not only introduces prospective customers to your business but also draws them into the conversational thread that surrounds your brand.
In addition to this, podcasts can beautifully complement your blog articles, social media posts, YouTube and TikTok videos by engaging with your target audience whenever they are available online.
Reason 2 - Establishes Your Brand as a Thought Leader in the Industry:
It also boosts customer trust in your organisation and boosts credibility especially if you are a newly launched business enterprise. This is primarily because your podcast listeners feel like they are listening to a professional conversation who has a lot of knowhow and experience in the area.
Another reason why businesses should consider hosting a podcast is that it makes the listeners grow intellectually and they get the opportunity to learn new things. Simply make sure that you choose topics that are interesting and resonate with your audience.
Therefore, podcasts can also act as a great bridging tool through open discussion over a platform where you can project your brand as a thought leader.
Reason 3 - Fosters Brand Loyalty and Helps in Community Building:
The only way that you can take your business forward ensuring growth and reach to new audiences and geographies is by fostering customer loyalty for your brand.
For any business garnering brand loyalty is absolutely non-negotiable. This can be easily achieved through strategic community building surrounding the business. This is one way of encouraging customer loyalty to the brand.
Podcasts can play a critical role in this as it is an intimate form of content that can help in fostering a strong relationship between your brand and your audience. Tailoring the content to match the experiences of your consumers can help in establishing a long term connection with your audiences.
Adding this human touch to your B2B marketing through podcasting adds that emotional touch that can give your brand the much needed edge over your competition.
Reason 4 - Opportunity to Develop Unique Content:
Hosting a podcast is not like publishing a blog or social media post. It is also very different from uploading a video on YouTube or TikTok.
This is a pure audio format content format that can be conveniently consumed by your target audience in combination with other activities, such as taking a stroll or having your lunch. This means that you do not dedicate your complete attention when listening to a podcast which is the case with other forms of content such as reading a blog, scrolling through a social media post or watching a YouTube video.
Most importantly, podcasts with their multiple episodes create that top of the mind brand recall among your target audience which is an extremely vital component of your B2B marketing strategy.
Reason 5 - Repurpose Podcast Content for Other Marketing Platforms:
The objective of effective and efficient content marketing is not just to develop and distribute content. It is also focussing on content that has worked and how best to repurpose it across various other marketing channels.
Podcasts with their abundance of content provide the foundation for repurposing the content for alternative marketing channels and keep your content pipeline always full.
This brings end to end value to your clients.
Final Thoughts
Chances are that your target audience is already listening to a whole lot of podcasts. If your goals for your B2B marketing are to increase brand awareness, plus generate trust, credibility, and loyalty for your brand, then podcasting should definitely be a part of your marketing mix today!